Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Beautiful days.

As I write this I am looking at a hot air balloon out of my window. I love sunny, warm days. The feeling that I get once the snow melts and the trees start to bloom is indescribable. Spring has to be one of my favourite seasons.
In honour of spring, I had a nap at the river today. It was an unplanned nap. I was lying on a blanket looking at the river and before I knew it I had drifted off to sleep waking up feeling full of energy. It was wonderful. I think I might study in my hammock at the river one day...maybe that would make studying slightly tolerable!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Almost over.

As we approach the end of March, I start to wonder...where has the school year gone? Seven months have passed but it feels like just yesterday I moved to Ottawa. This year has been such a learning experience; one that has allowed me to learn academically but also grow as an individual. Back in September, I don't think that I could have even imagined what an amazing year I would have. I have been blessed with so many amazing friends who encourage me in life and more importantly, spiritually. I am truly a lucky girl :)
One amazing, fun and wonderful thing that I had the opportunity to do this semester has been swing dancing. I feel like an old lady, but it is probably THE MOST FUN THING IN THE WORLD! I have never been a good dancer, but once I get on the dance floor with my sweaty man partner, I just feel the rhythm!!! I think it's so important to try new things and focus on other creative activities other than academics. Plus, it's a great workout ;)
Well, I thank you for reading this. I have never loved writing, but after being persuaded by Clifford and Heather to start a blog, I figured I should try it out!