Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Today we left Calgary around 11:30 after stuffing everthing into Kevin. We made it all fit and now everyone has a place to sit. We drove for about an hour and a half and then we hit Banff. We were going to go to Lake Louise today, but we decided that we will probably just do that on our way back. We spent the day exploring Banff which is such a cute town surrounded by the mountains. I was so happy to finally see mountains and get out of the prairies!
We checked into our hotel a little early cause our room was ready. It is such a convienent location because it is right on the main street so we are within walking distance to everything. We decided to set out and explore Banff soon after eating our lunch. I couldn't believe how many neat little shops that Banff has. We shopped for a bit and then we went to Second Cup which was delicious. I found he neatest shirt today which I thought was just perfect for me. It said "Just chillin' with my gnomies" and it had a picture of 3 gnomes on the front of it. I LOVE it! We also went to the candy store, so of course I couldn't pass up buying candy! After we were done shopping we came back to the hotel and decided to make Sloppy Joes on the camping stove. It is brand new and has never been used, so we were pretty excited to try it out. Well, the bad news is is that we couldn't get it lit. The good news is, is that we went to Boston Pizza for dinner. Before dinner though we went to the Banff Hot Springs. It was so wonderful just to sit in a warm pool looking at the mountains. I don't think I will ever forget it! Tomorrow we are going to BC! If all goes according to plan, we should be in Revelstoke or Sicamous. Good night!

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