Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pots, Cruise Control and Sketchy Motels

Last night we made it to Thunder Bay around 6:00 and were so happy to have a warm bed to sleep in, a delicious dinner and wonderful grandparents. Our drive to Thunder Bay was quite an adventurous one, so I will do my best to recap some of the highlights!
We woke up in Sault Ste Marie to pouring rain so we had to take down our tent very quickly. By that time we were so hungry so we just decided to eat breakfast in the car before we hit the road. We also really wanted to get our pot back from the night before, so we did, but we still weren't able to wash it haha. We drove through heavy rain and fog and were happy when the sun came out! Northern Ontario is so beautiful and I never realized how gorgeous Lake Superior is until we drove around it to get to Thunder Bay.
I also never realized how many trucks there are in Northern Ontario!!!!!! It always seemed like we had some sort of truck behind us and then a few more behind that truck. Throughout most of our driving I used cruise control to give my legs a rest so at one point the road divided into 3 lanes to allow for cars to pass but at the same time there was a large hill we would have to go up. I had a really impatient truck behind me and it was following really close, so I am sure we were both really relieved when the extra lane opened up. So, we both started to climb the hill and as the truck was passing us, Kevin (my car) kept speeding up in order to maintain our current speed so we ended up passing the truck. We looked behind us and he was slowing down quite a bit on that hill. Once the road was back to only 2 lanes I had the truck RIGHT behind me and he was NOT happy that I had passed him. He was clearly not as impressed about Kevin's pick up as I was.
After that little ordeal we decided to stop for lunch, only we couldn't find a rest area so we decided to pull into the scariest looking motel ever. We examined the area to make sure we wouldn't get attacked by crazy rednecks but during our examination we came across a bird head mounted on a wooded pole. Its teeth were still intact and we each took pictures of it cause we had never seen anything as creepy! Lunch went well and Celina and I were both looking behind us to make sure we wouldn't get jumped. Once we arrived in Thunder Bay we were exhausted but also pretty sore from sitting all day so we ate dinner and went for a walk with Jerome while wearing our sun hats. I don't think Thunder Bay knew what hit them :) Today we are planning to bake muffins and go grocery shopping and tomorrow we will drive to Fort Frances and make a stop in Emo Ontario! We have also decided that we want to make this trip an international adventure, so we are planning on driving through the US on our way to Winnipeg!

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