Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Our hotel room has a sauna IN IT!

Greetings from Whistler! Yesterday we had the whirlwind tour of Victoria. We got to sleep in for a bit and then we headed downtown and walked around the harbour. I think Victoria is probably tied with Banff for my most favourite Canadian city on this trip. It is so quaint and so green. I could definitely see myself living there when I retire. We looked in some clothing stores and then decided to eat lunch at the food court. The parking meters only allowed us to put in enough money for 90 mins so we decided to move the car each time in order to see a new part of the downtown core without having to walk back to our original parking space. This is when we got a bright idea: we will listen to classic Disney music with the windows rolled down. We ended up driving around listening to It's a Small World and Yo Ho Yo Ho A Pirates Life For Me. It was great fun. After we parked, walked around some more and then parked again we went to Starbucks. After our downtown excursion, we went to my second cousin's house for dinner to visit with him and his family. I have never met them before but I am so glad that I did this time. They were lovely and they showed us around some more and took us to the ocean and to the neatest university campus that I had never heard of. It had an old castle and a beautiful garden. It felt like we should be wearing fancy dresses and having tea.
This morning we woke up bright and early and said goodbye sadly to Heather's grandpa and Margaret and packed up Kevin and drove to Nanaimo to go and catch the ferry back to Vancouver. Once we arrived in Vancouver we started our trek to Whistler. The drive was pretty and filled with twists and turns. We hadn't booked any accomodation so we were on the lookout for a campground. We found a nice one but the lady told me that the bears "like to hang out by the river" which was convienently near our tent site so Heather and I went on and found a great deal on a hotel :) We are staying in the most AMAZING hotel ever. It is a loft suite and has 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, a loft bedroom, a fireplace, 2 tvs, a stero and a SAUNA!!!!!!!!! I am pretty sure I am in heaven. I have been wearing the bathrobes they gave us around the whole evening. I didn't think we would find a reasonable hotel in Whistler, but we did and now I don't have to worry about being eaten by the bears ;)

1 comment:


    Here is the video!
