Thursday, May 13, 2010

The camping stove works!!!!!!!

Today we slept in for a bit! It was nice not to get up at 7:00 am. Instead we woke up at 8:15! We ate a quick breakfast and then loaded up Kevin. We are getting really good at packing the car. Usually I just throw stuff in it, but we now have a nice system so everything is packed neatly. We hit the road soon thereafter and started making our way to BC. On the Trans Canada there is A LOT of construction so we would honk at the construction workers and give them a friendly Ontario wave. After only an hour or so of driving we arrived in BC. Driving in the mountains is quite fun because there are many hills and turns. The only thing that makes me nervous is passing trucks. We also made it into our third and final time zone change. Now we are 3 hours behind Ontario. I was told that I should say hello to Uncle Jack, so hello. Now back to the regular blog.
We have decided that since we are sitting for so long we should get out and move. It can be hard though if there aren't any walking trails so instead we just dance around Kevin. It is a great workout and we also have been honked at over 10 times by trucks and other passing cars.
We were going to drive to Revelstoke today, but upon looking at Google maps we realized that it only would have been a 3 hour drive so we decided to drive to Kamloops which was about 6 and a half hours away from Banff. Once we got to Kamloops we decided to see if we could find a cheap motel. The cheapest one we could find was $71 so we said forget it and got back on the highway. Once we arrived in Merrit BC however, the rates were slightly cheaper. We checked 4 or 5 motels and came across the Copper Valley Motel. I inquired with the man at the front desk about rates and he asked me if I had checked the going rates around the area. I told him I had and I said the going rate that I found was $60. This of course was not true, but I wanted a cheap room! The man fell for it and told me that the room has "2 BEAUTIFUL queen size beds and a plasma tv. It's like going to the Holiday Inn!" As we opened the door to the room we were greeted by the smell of cheap air freshener and decorations such as a mini christmas tree statue and a chandelier. That's right, JUST like the Holiday Inn! The beds are actually pretty comfortable and it's nice to have free internet. It was getting late so we decided that we should use the ground beef that we bought and make sloppy joes. Earlier today we went to Canadian Tire in Salmon arm and returned the cooking stove that didn't work. We thought we should make sure it worked, so we lit it in the parking lot. We STILL couldn't figure it out so we asked a young guy to help us. Of course he got it lit in 2 seconds and we all felt pretty dumb. The sloppy joes turned out great and now we are all ready for bed. Tomorrow we are heading to Langley to stay with my friend Gerrit from Carleton and I also plan on visiting some of my family that lives there!


  1. Um ACTUALLY there are lots of walking trails - YOU just want to dance! JAJAJAJA

  2. When I bought my house through costa rica homes for sale
    I expected to have a big stove in the kitchen with a huge space, now I am really happy because I can cook every kind of recipe in my huge stove. I really love it.
