Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Prairies

Yesterday we drove from Minnesota to Winnipeg Manitoba and stayed with my second cousin Doreen and her family. I haven't seen Doreen in 14 years, so it was so great to catch up and meet my third cousins. We all went for a walk which was really nice after sitting in a car for so long. We then sang some songs because their whole family is really musical. I'm not a very good singer, but it was still fun to mouth the words. For dinner we had steak which was WONDERFUL!!! After dinner we went to a place in Winnipeg called the Forks which has many neat shops. Winnipeg is a really pretty city...I never thought I would like it that much.
Today we left around 9 am to drive to Moose Jaw Saskatchewan. The prairies are so flat and so boring. Most of the driving was all straight so Celina and I tried to switch up drivers every so often so we wouldn't fall asleep! I ended up having 4 teas which I never do...that's how tired I was. Since the weather was so rainy and windy, we decided to stay at the Comfort Inn. It seems pretty nice so far and we each get our own queen size bed and a free breakfast. Tomorrow we are going to Calgary and are staying with my friend Heather. It will be nice to finally see some mountains!

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